Engaging with the Capital Cooperative™
The Capital Cooperative™ provides a mechanism to align the objectives of the Cooperative with those of its Members. The Capital Cooperative™ is first and foremost your long-term partner in business. Your ability to efficiently access capital and credit support for not just one of your current projects, but for quality projects and business opportunities that you haven't even thought of yet is of paramount importance. The Cooperative wants to see its enrolled Members take full advantage of the structures developed by the Cooperative as well as benefit from the economies of scale to be enjoyed when your goals are aligned with the Cooperative's and its other Affiliate Members.
Under the management of CAP Services, each Member of the Capital Cooperative™ has the opportunity to develop a real relationship that supports its business goals and dreams with consistent and predictable access to capital for an array of projects and businesses that meet the Cooperative's standards. The list below provides just a sample of the types of projects that are possible.
The market for infrastructure investment is expanding globally and desperately needs innovative funding strategies to meet the demand. CAP Services' systems support of its members that are in the business of delivering infrastructure projects is a key differentiator when working to win an infrastructure bid.
The global need for infrastructure investment is growing. Both public- and private-sector opportunities come from two sources. First, we find the need to reinforce and repair existing infrastructure components that have aged to the point of obsolescence or cannot support modern loads and capacity. Additionally, we are building new infrastructure components to support an ever-expanding footprint of population. As a Member of the Capital Cooperative™ managed by CAP Services, a whole new approach to implementing infrastructure is possible for a wide array of wide array of infrastructure projects:
- Roads, tunnels, and bridges
- Water, sewer, and pollution control
- Flood protection and control
- Waste management
- Smart cities and public transportation
- Emergency services
- Restoring or maintaining "green" space
- Transportation; Rail and Air
Our approach to private equity investment allows our members that are searching for equity partners to potentially preserve equity and save on costs while simultaneously enabling investors to lend their investment support with negligible opportunity cost and a finite investment term, lowering the barriers to entry and engagement.
Private Equity
As a Member of the Capital Cooperative™, you can access capital for business opportunities that up until now would have fallen primarily into the purview of venture capital and private equity funds for support. Whether a Member is operating a commercial business that is needing support for an acquisition strategy, looking for higher-risk (and higher potential return) growth capital that would be candidate for "private equity" exposure, or seeking product development capital, an allocation from the Capital Cooperative™, can potentially help you preserve ownership, hold costs down, and achieve your goals without "giving away the store". This includes opportunities in:
- New technology, including biotech, "green" products,
- Roll-ups seeking cross-customer exposure and efficiency in size
- Acquisition of adjacent or competitive platforms
- Operating and Growth Capital
- First-loss equity for larger debt undertakings
CAP Services understands that efficient energy production is a key economic driver. our members in the energy sector are positioned to access reliable, scalable, and cost-effective capital for projects that span from exploration through to physical delivery to the end-user and all iterations in between.
Energy Exploration and Production
CAP Services enables its Members in the energy sector to apply capital to upstream and downstream energy projects. With upstream projects, we provide exposure to exploration and energy precursors, and downstream projects provide investors with access to refinement and/or conversion as well as delivery and distribution systems. Energy portfolios that can be supported by the Capital Cooperative™ range from investment in the re-emerging nuclear energy sector, traditional energy exploration and production of oil, gas, and coal, and more modern green energy solutions like solar, geothermal, and wind.
Our transformative approach to the marketplace also adds energy investment related to environmental risk mitigation for projects including carbon-dioxide scrubbing, sulfur emission reduction, disposal and recycling of batteries, disaster risk mitigation, as well as waste reduction and re-use.
Private Sector funding is a great compliment to public sector needs. however, finding new and more balance-sheet-friendly ways to achieve public-sector objectives is critical in the present-day investment climate.
Government Projects
National and municipal government projects can be closely coordinated with professional services provided by the Cooperative's Members. CAP Services provides access to innovative private-sector capital with systems that reduce initial costs and improve liquidity in support of public-sector contracts. As such, our Members increase their chances of securing government contracts by not only providing much-needed services, but also packaging their services with financial solutions.
CAP Services provides access to financial vehicles and specialized trade platforms for our cooperative members that expose them to international markets and cash flow support for trade finance, supply chain, and receivables funding in high growth industries.
Trade Finance and Receivables
To fill another niche in our broad array of capital applications in support of our Members, we boast a whole new platform-based structure for the funding of Member purchases of commodities. These solutions address the full spectrum of supply-chain needs from pre-shipment finance through to receivables funding.